
技术编号:15531123 阅读:88 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:57

Uplink service transmission method, device and access point of wireless local area network

An uplink service transmission method, device and wireless LAN access point, wherein, the uplink transmission method, resource block, access point to divide the entire channel according to the number of access to their own site and then, according to the estimated channel information of each site, for resource block transmission of uplink information for each allocation site and, respectively to each site sends a channel assignment indication information, so that the distribution of each site according to the channel indicator information to find the corresponding resource blocks, and use of resources to block transmission of uplink information, resulting in the OFDMA system, realize multi site parallel transmission of uplink information, resource partitioning can be applied to multiple site. In summary, the uplink transmission method according to the parameters of resource block to determine the number of the different channels of the site, the final configuration of the resource block can be applied to multiple sites, so that multiple sites simultaneously transmit uplink information, improve the channel can also access the number of users.





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