
技术编号:15529683 阅读:56 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 16:58

Method for unifying information and tools from multiple sources of information, and computer program products and devices applying the method

The present invention relates to a method for unifying information and tools from a plurality of information sources, and a computer program product and device applying the method. The method of the invention includes: (I) through a corresponding attribute extraction element converter and a link to a related information of the original property and related links and / or a primitive tools; the original information and / or the original tool is obtained from the plurality of information sources; (II) the reorganization the original information of the attribute and the related links based on a unified data structure, the original model of information into a unified information unit, and / or rely on a unified data structure and reforming the original tools of the attributes and the related links, the original tool model into a unified tool the unified data structure; and / or the other a unified data structure is used to model the original information and / or the original format tool. The invention facilitates the user to manage dispersed information and / or tools.





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