
技术编号:15295215 阅读:116 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 12:31

Camera module and terminal

A camera module and a terminal, the camera module includes an optical protection window (110), infrared cut-off filter (140) and anti reflection coating (220); the anti reflective coating (220) is located in the light through the optical window of protection (110) at least one surface, or the anti reflective coating (220) is located in the infrared light through the filter (140) at least one surface; the anti reflective coating (220) comprises a plurality of conical anti reflective structure (221); the tapered anti reflection structure (221) of the bottom diameter (D1) 40nm ~ 150nm; the tapered anti reflection structure (221) of the top the diameter (D2) of the base diameter (D1) from 0 to 30%; the tapered anti reflection structure (221) height (H0) ranged from 150nm to 300nm; the two adjacent the tapered anti reflection structure (221) spacing for the wavelength of visible light 1/5 ~ 1/3. The camera module with anti reflection coating (220) can reduce the reflection of light, and effectively suppress the ghost and glare in the photograph.

一种<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/20/201580029333.html" title="一种摄像头模组和终端原文来自X技术">摄像头模组和终端</a>




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