
技术编号:15199544 阅读:132 留言:0更新日期:2017-04-21 23:07

Method and apparatus for channel estimation

The embodiment of the invention provides a method and apparatus for channel estimation, which relates to the technical field of communication, the method includes: the estimated value of the initial channel estimation and channel gamma factor to eliminate processed data carrier for data carrier in the received signal; according to the estimated channel data carrier, the received signal in space and carrier pilot carrier to fill the channel estimation value is obtained after the treatment of air carrier and pilot carrier; gain modulation of the received signal, and to determine the filter tap coefficients according to the modulation mode; according to the tap coefficient determined in the filter channel on the data carrier estimation and channel for air carrier and pilot carrier estimation in frequency domain filter; channel on data carrier filtered estimates of the gamma factor was added after the channel data carrier of the final estimate Value. Based on the LS algorithm, the frequency domain filtering reduces the channel error, reduces the operation complexity and delay, and improves the efficiency of the channel estimation.

<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201480081411.html" title="信道估计的方法及装置原文来自X技术">信道估计的方法及装置</a>




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