
技术编号:6083172 阅读:254 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Energy based multipath routing method for wireless networks

An energy based multipath routing method for wireless networks, involving wireless networks. The path discovery method is: the source node to flood the RREQ signaling initiated routing process; intermediate nodes according to the received quality of the link of RREQ signaling and its residual energy information set forward time lag; hysteresis process, if you receive a better path, then update the path information and the lag time of each intermediate node; forwarded only once RREQ signaling; host node to obtain multiple energy path according to RREQ message received. The invention can through on-demand routing path discovery process, a number of energy efficient path, so as to improve the efficiency and reduce the node energy route discovery frequency, reduce protocol overhead and prolong the network lifetime, and is easy to be realized on the basis of the existing wireless node platform.





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