
技术编号:6069317 阅读:247 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Random sleep scheduling routing method for wireless sensor network

The invention relates to a random sleep scheduling routing method for wireless sensor networks, which belongs to wireless network protocols. The concrete method is that each node maintains a pseudo random number sequence. The sequence is generated by randomly generating seeds of each node by the same pseudo random number generation algorithm. Then, the node determines the random sleeping schedule in the running period of the network by the random number sequence. When we broadcast our own seeds in the network initialization, the nodes and their neighbors can learn the pseudo random sequence of each other by computing, so as to know the sleep and recovery time of each other. When a node needs to send data, it sends the packet to the first awakened node by calculating the recovery time of its neighbors. This mechanism enables the node rotation work through a random sleep scheduling mechanism, in order to achieve the objective to reduce and balance the energy consumption of the whole network.





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