
技术编号:6077653 阅读:247 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Social security medical network settlement information exchange

The present invention relates to a network of medical insurance settlement information switch, comprises a plurality of interconnected data exchange module, each data exchange module comprises mutually connected input unit, authentication unit, processing unit, communication unit, network configuration unit, log unit and output unit connected to each data exchange module and the data transmission network or application server and data transmission and exchange; the machine has four layers, one is the medical insurance settlement network interface, the two is the data exchange layer three device configuration management, data exchange is the central processing unit, four is the operating system of information exchange. The invention to achieve greater administrative area real-time network unified settlement as the goal, based on the centralized data exchange application mode, the realization of regional social security medical insurance network settlement business, provides a reliable data exchange mechanism for the social security fund real-time networking settlement, can guarantee the efficiency of network data exchange settlement, and also has good expansibility.





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