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技术编号:6049847 阅读:205 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Fully degradable environmental protection toothbrush

The invention provides a fully degradable environmental protection toothbrush, wherein, the brush handle, the brush head and the bristles are made of biodegradable synthetic material. Brush hair is divided into two kinds of hair and non hair type, and the hair graft refers to the toothbrush bristles planted in the brush head hole, non hair type refers to the toothbrush bristles to take a form of method of making. The bristles of the present invention include profiled bristles. The toothbrush of the invention in the natural environment is biodegradable and will not cause two pollution, reduce the cost of environmental governance, belongs to the green environmental protection products, the invention in the production of finished products, the hot melt temperature than ordinary plastic melt temperature is much lower, with indirect effect of energy saving, consumption reduction for production.





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