
技术编号:6047250 阅读:171 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Auxiliary handle assembly and bed with auxiliary handle assembly

The present invention provides an auxiliary handle assembly and a bed with an auxiliary handle assembly. In one embodiment, the auxiliary handle assembly includes an mounting frame for attaching to the support platform. The first support arm is pivotally attached to the mounting frame to rotate around a first axis. Second support arm is pivotally attached to the mounting frame to around second axis different from the first axis of rotation. At the same time, the first support arm and second arm around the corresponding axis of rotation in a variety of positions between remain substantially parallel. In another embodiment, the bed assembly includes a bed frame with a mounting frame attached to the bed frame. The first support arm and second arm respectively in the first position and the second position pivotally attached to the mounting frame to rotate between a raised position and a lowered position. The handle has a bow body pivotally attached to the first arm and the second arm, maintaining a constant sag downward orientation.





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