
技术编号:4174511 阅读:219 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and system for realizing time synchronization

In the embodiment of the invention discloses a method for realizing time synchronization, the method includes selecting at least one base station with time synchronization clock of the receiving unit as the main clock base station; synchronous reference signal from the clock time of each base station receives the base station sends the master clock synchronization is required, and according to the received synchronization the reference signal, through interaction with the master clock of the base station, to achieve time synchronization. The embodiment of the invention also discloses a system for realizing time synchronization, comprising a master clock, a base station and a slave clock base station. By using the method and the system mentioned above, the system cost can be greatly reduced, and the utility model is beneficial to the popularization and popularization of the home base station and the base station area network.


一种实现时间同步的方法,其特征在于,该方法包括: 选取至少一个具有时间同步时钟接收单元的基站作为主时钟基站; 各从时钟基站接收主时钟基站发送的实现时间同步所需的同步参考信号,并根据所接收到的同步参考信号,通过与所述主时钟基站的交 互,实现时间同步。



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