
技术编号:4172674 阅读:231 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for confirming receiving state of message

The invention discloses a confirmation method of message receiving state includes a first network node to the second network node sends message; receiving feedback from the second network node contains a sign for receiving state domain second network nodes for sending the first network node of the message of the message; and according to the identification carried the domain identifier value, confirm the receiving state second network nodes for sending messages to the first network node. Accordingly, the invention also provides a device for confirming the receiving state of the message. The scheme provided by the invention enables the network node to correctly judge whether or not the message sent by the network is successfully received.


一种对消息接收状态进行确认的方法,其特征在于,包括: 第一网络节点向第二网络节点发送消息; 接收由第二网络节点反馈的消息,所述反馈的消息中包含有用于标志第二网络节点针对第一网络节点发送的消息的接收状态的标识域; 根据所述标 识域中携带的标识值,确认第二网络节点针对第一网络节点发送的消息的接收状态。



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