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技术编号:4172306 阅读:350 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Construction technology of diaphragm pile continuous diaphragm wall of multi shaft long spiral drill pipe

The construction technology of the diaphragm wall of the bored pile with multi axis long spiral pipe relates to the construction technology of deep foundation and diaphragm wall. It is suitable for the maintenance wall of deep foundation pit and the deep foundation construction of the civil engineering. The invention adopts a plurality of drill pipe construction technology in the outer wall of blades are arranged along the whole length of the continuous spiral rod, hollow heart for long spiral drill pipe (3), when the driving device (2) adjacent to the drill pipe to rotate in the opposite direction, driving a plurality of long spiral drill pipe (3) drilling operations at the same time, the large diameter, large depth construction, adjacent to the long spiral drill pipe for spiral blade to the contrary, it can full length of occlusion, can effectively ensure the construction quality of buildings. The technique of the invention can reduce the use of steel, effectively reduce the cost of the project, and only discharge the dry soil during construction, which is beneficial to the management of the construction site, and the green construction can be achieved.





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