
技术编号:4155431 阅读:281 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Nuclear power station electromagnetic valve control device and control method thereof

The invention relates to a control device and control method for electromagnetic valve of nuclear power plant, the control device for electromagnetic valve to control the nuclear action, including: instruction processing module, instruction information for access to external, including electromagnetic valve state signal allows manual instruction, instruction, condition of automatic protection and controlled equipment instruction, feedback, and sent to the logic operation module; logic operation module, used by priority ascending order from the manual instructions, instructions, automatic protection directive for the current instruction, according to the current order and the allowable conditions, control command control solenoid valve action, and according to the control instruction and solenoid valve the state signal generates a logic output signal; a display module for displaying the logic output signal. The invention improves the automatic operation level of the electromagnetic valve of the nuclear power station, and can also reduce the working load of the manipulator.





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