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技术编号:3038101 阅读:219 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Improved Pipa and manufacturing method thereof

A modified pipa, including instrument head, body, the head of the guitar body comprises a peg, including a resonant cavity between the panel and the panel assembly shell, with the panel and the shell; a sound bridge in the resonance cavity, a pass, frets and handrails on the panel, in the body the Department is equipped with two toneable column, they separated in the body surface of the axial center on both sides, and the axial center plane is symmetrical; shell body is made of Aluminum Alloy group, Aluminum Alloy in including aluminum and copper; the pipa brightness tuning column can adjust the sound of the pipa pipa, make out the voice to achieve the ideal effect, because the shell of Pipa in the invention adopts Aluminum Alloy production, not because the weather is dry or wet deformation, thus eliminating the need for some of the procedures in processing, so the advantage of the low price of pipa.





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