
技术编号:20123096 阅读:35 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-16 12:59

Charging system, charging method and power adapter

A charging system, charging method and power adapter, in which the power adapter (1) includes a first rectifier unit (101), a switching unit (102), a transformer (103), a second rectifier unit (104), a first charging interface (105), a first current sampling circuit (1061), a first capacitor group (115), a second capacitor group (116) and a control unit (107), and the control unit outputs control signals to the switching unit. When the power adapter enters the first charging mode, the output current of the power adapter is judged according to the current sampling value. When the output current of the power adapter is in the rising or falling edge, the control unit shields the first capacitance group; when the output current of the power adapter is in the platform section, the control unit controls the output current of the power adapter. The unit enables the first capacitor group to work. The power adapter of the invention can effectively reduce the temperature rise, improve the service life, and reduce the volume, which is beneficial to the miniaturization design.





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