
技术编号:20084265 阅读:23 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-15 03:48

A Session Holding Method, Device and Storage Media

The embodiment of the present invention provides a session holding method, device and storage medium, which relates to the field of communication technology and can provide a general session holding method for a variety of different communication protocol layers. The method includes: the first node device generates the first interactive message, the first interactive message includes the first load balancing protocol header, the first load balancing protocol header is independent of the corresponding protocol header of the communication protocol layer involved in generating the first interactive message, the first load balancing protocol header includes the first destination load balancing index, and the first destination load balancing index is used to identify the receiving end. The second node device of the first interactive message; the first node device sends the first interactive message to the second node device through the first load balancer. An embodiment of the present invention is used for session maintenance.





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