
技术编号:18466953 阅读:17 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:31

Low voltage regulator and voltage regulation method

A low dropout voltage regulator and a voltage regulation method, including: the first switch array module (100), the signal control module (200), the power switch module (300), the voltage feedback module (400) and the switch control module (500), and the first switch array module (100) including a plurality of parallel paths for transmission. In the first voltage (V1), output second voltage (V2), the signal control module (200) is used to periodically adjust the conduction time and conduction state of multiple parallel paths, periodically adjust the size of second voltage (V2), power switch module (300) for input second voltage (V2), output third voltage (Vo), voltage feedback module (400) for root. According to the third voltage (Vo), the feedback voltage (Vreg) is generated, and the switch control module (500) is used to control the conduction state of the power switch module (300) according to the result of the comparison of the feedback voltage (Vreg) and the reference voltage (Vref), to adjust the size of the third voltage (Vo) and to maintain the third voltage (Vo) in the preset numerical range to improve the low voltage differential stability. The frequency response characteristic of the voltage regulator improves the performance of the low dropout regulator by non algorithm.





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