
技术编号:17963391 阅读:28 留言:0更新日期:2018-05-16 07:01

Service flow forwarding function deployment method, device and system

The invention provides a service flow forwarding function deployment method, device and system, which involves the communication technology field. The method includes: the control surface network element sends a notification message to the infrastructure controller, and the notification message includes at least one forwarding identity corresponding to the user traffic flow and the flow of the user's traffic. The target forwarding network identity for business processing; in which the notification message is used to indicate that the infrastructure controller determines the first forwarding rule containing at least one of the forwarding identification and the target forwarding network element identification, and sends the first forwarding rule to the basis of the infrastructure controller control. The facility transponder. The invention solves the problem of low flexibility of business flow forwarding, achieves the effect of improving the flexibility of business flow forwarding, and is used for forwarding business flows.





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