
技术编号:17310748 阅读:47 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:11

Methods, devices and systems for wireless resource scheduling

Device and system of the present invention provides a method, wireless resource scheduling, the method comprises the following steps: first determine whether the type of terminal equipment to the base station and / or second types of terminal equipment sends resource scheduling request information, wherein, the first type of terminal equipment and base station communication through the first type of communication interface, the first type of terminal equipment and second type of terminal equipment through the second type interface, second types of terminal equipment and base station communication through the first type interface, second types of terminal equipment with resource scheduling function; the first type of terminal equipment is determined according to the results, determine for link resource communication with other first type of terminal equipment. Thus, the base station and / or second types of terminal equipment can be scheduled for the first type of terminal equipment, therefore, to avoid interference between terminals, improve the transmission success rate and reduce the transmission delay, ensure the V2V system performance and reliability, increase the system capacity of V2V.





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