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技术编号:16307013 阅读:35 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-27 01:04

Air conditioning condensed water recovery and utilization system

The invention relates to an air conditioner condensed water recycling system, including air conditioner, condensed water tank, water tank and hot water tank and a cooling tube; condensation tank for condensing water storage from air conditioning unit emissions; water pump hot water tank is provided with a heating device and used water from the water storage groove; condensate tank and hot water tank and cooling tube connected by three way pipe; the heat pipe end and the three pipe connected with the other end of the water storage tank is communicated with the condensate tank and hot water tank; the height of the horizontal plane are higher than the height of the horizontal plane heat pipe, heat pipe level is higher than the height of the water storage tank high level; hot water tank connected with the three way pipe is provided with a hot water solenoid valve; the condensed water tank connected with the three way pipe is provided with a cold water electromagnetic valve; also comprises a control module, hot water solenoid valve, solenoid valve, water pump and water heating device and control module The utility model is electrically connected and controlled by the utility model; the whole structure is simple, and the cost is low.





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