
技术编号:15198018 阅读:150 留言:0更新日期:2017-04-21 13:34

Transmission device and data frame transmission method

The invention discloses a transmission device and a method for transmitting a data frame, which relates to the communication field. The specific scheme is that the acquisition unit acquires LTF parameters, and obtain subcarrier starting position distribution of I; the LTF parameters include: LTF sequence generation required frequency transformation parameters and time domain parameters; frequency conversion unit according to the frequency domain transform parameters and the initial position of the I, the LTF sequence in frequency domain transform LTF time domain symbols; transform unit according to the time domain parameters of LTF symbols are the time domain LTF sequence; the sending unit to carrying a LTF sequence in the first data frame is transmitted to the second device, so that the second equipment according to the sequence of LTF LTF to determine the basic sequence and channel estimation based on LTF sequence. The invention is used in the transmission process of data frames.

一种<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201480080894.html" title="一种传输设备和数据帧的传输方法原文来自X技术">传输设备和数据帧的传输方法</a>




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