
技术编号:9616907 阅读:94 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 04:04

The launcher canister of the weapon system is fragile back cover

The invention relates to a back cover, in particular, is a weapon system which is fragile back cover with a launcher. The launcher cover this fragile weapon system, which comprises a holder, composite sealing structure; the holder comprises a flange ring and mooring plate, flange ring internal annular arrangement of a plurality of mooring plate between the mooring plate and flange ring connected with the connecting handle; the composite sealing structure is comprehensive weld coverage in the internal and external side plate: mooring groove gap plate and plate open mooring mooring strip, a connecting handle and a connecting handle is arranged at the periphery between the groove and the groove vertical. When the missile is launched, the rear cover of the launcher can be broken, and the broken back cover can be left on the launcher. Avoid rear lid debris that adversely affects the layout of the operations around you.





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