
技术编号:9611581 阅读:82 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-29 20:13

Mirror scraper for pharmaceutical equipment container

The invention provides a method for pharmaceutical equipment container mirror scraper, including actuator, a spring seat, a spring, an outer seal, O ring, shaft, rack, scraper, scraper seal sleeve and a lower spring seat; scraper mounted on the scraper frame, and clung to the inner surface of the transparent mirror; one end of the rotating shaft is fixedly connected with the scraper frame, the other end extends out of the container through the mirror, and the actuator output shaft is fixedly connected with the shaft sleeve is provided with a protruding part; the shell outside the container, the lower part of the casing is connected with the sealing sleeve, the transparent mirror housing and clamped in a sealing sleeve between a ring; and a spring seat, a spring and a lower spring seat is arranged between the shaft and the shell. For the mirror in the pharmaceutical equipment container through the scraper control actuator, rotating the inner surface can make the blade to scrape the transparent mirror, attached to the inside of the dust and water vapor, which has the advantages of simple structure and convenient operation, can guarantee the transmission performance of the mirror.





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