
技术编号:8925534 阅读:181 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 22:16

Power supply control system

The utility model discloses a power control system, including: network access equipment, receiver, switch and socket assembly, which is characterized in that the connection of the network access device and network is received by the control command of network transmission; the receiver is configured to communicate with the network access device to receive the control command from the the network access device; the socket assembly includes a first end and a second end, the first end configured for connection of electrical equipments, and the second end is configured for connection to an external power source; and the cut end of the heat exchanger is connected with the receiver, and the other end of the socket component is connected with the configuration according to the connection control commands to control the connect or disconnect the appliance and the external power supply. The utility model can conveniently control the switch of the electric appliance, and has the advantages of low cost and convenient operation.





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