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技术编号:6090860 阅读:225 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Tea making cup

The utility model relates to a tea brewing device. The utility model of the tea cup in the bottle body and the other end connected with the brew chamber cap can be opened; and a partition plate for gas bubble and between the room and the mutual flow of air bottle tube is arranged between the brew chamber and the bottle, the liquid channel is arranged on the partition board, the liquid is arranged in the channel to prevent the liquid in the bottle body upright from the bottle to the brew chamber gravity ball sealing device. The utility model adopts the structure of the tea cup, is mainly used in air at room temperature and atmospheric pressure gravity flow of nearly incompressible and nearly the water insoluble characteristics of liquid, and using the principle of objects, independent flow and pressure balance in order to achieve the product of the utility model is used, the relevant liquid air in the process of the product, the product of the utility model to achieve the following functions: tea and tea will be isolated, so as to avoid long-term contact, tea and tea soaked for a long time, avoid too thick, bitter tea, taste tea, avoid harmful trace substances in the organization by long-term immersion and precipitation to tea, and tea contains beneficial ingredients to avoid the destruction of the tea cup.





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