
技术编号:6084089 阅读:170 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Base station device

A base station device, and it can be carried out first modulation mode of high speed wireless communication and wireless communication can speed modulation corresponding to second, more than 1 M and the following sub channels for wireless communication between the wireless terminal and wireless terminal in the range of ability, and is characterized in that the wireless the base station, with the radio base station: a determination section in the first combinations and second combinations were needed to meet the communication speed of the case, in the need to send the output necessary to send an output of the second combinations is less than that of the first combinations, select the second combinations, among them, the first combined by the first modulation the number of sub channels and N, the second combinations of second modulation and sub channel number N \, among them, 1 = N = 1 = N and M = M; and the\ Notice of the Ministry of the combined, the selected Notify the wireless terminal.





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