
技术编号:6084065 阅读:235 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

For the body can be fixed on the waist warm hot water bag

For a fixed to the body on the waist warm hot water bottle, which is characterized in that the bag body can warm hot water bag has a rubber waist long pocket, the bag body is provided with the nozzle, the bag length not less than 40cm to package the waist, on both sides of the bag body the length direction of each fixed strap, the strap on the other side can be separated, which can adjust the length of connection, the invention is suitable for fixed to the body of the waist warm hot water bag, the first with strap fixed on human body, particularly suitable for waist, knee, leg compress and shoulder, and the length of bag type structure can also be almost the entire package is very effective on the waist, waist pain of the people.





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