
技术编号:6082355 阅读:233 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Centralized construction method of Zigbee isomorphism tree wireless sensor network

The invention relates to a centralized construction method of a Zigbee isomorphic tree type wireless sensor network, belonging to the networking technical field of the wireless sensor network. According to the distribution of nodes and the neighborhood relation among them, the invention finds a tree topology of minimizing the number of nodes in a given depth condition. Compared with the prior art, the invention of the Zigbee isomorphism tree wireless sensor network centralized construction method has the following advantages: first, to realize the automatic networking function, users need according to the distribution of nodes, manually set up a tree network; second, by minimizing the number of sub nodes, reduce the load of nodes and improve network the survival time; third, due to limited network depth, constraints on data packets from the leaf node to the coordinator of the forwarding delay.


1.一种Zigbee同构树型无线传感网的集中式构建方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:步骤10、协调器获取网络中节点的邻居关系图                                                ;步骤20、协调器根据邻居关系图确定可生成的树型拓扑深度的上界和下界,并将其反馈给用户;步骤30、用户根据实际的需求给定最终生成的树型拓扑的深度上限值;步骤40、根据用户给定的值,协调器按照以下步骤构建一个深度受限的最小化子节点数的树型拓扑:步骤41、以协调器作为根节点,对邻居关系图图中的所有节点进行广度优遍历,得到一个临时有向树;步骤42、对临时有向树中的节点按照它们子节点的数目进行由大到小的排序,将排序结果放在一个队列中,拥有最多子节点的节点放在队列的最前面,并将其作为当前待优化节点;步骤43、对当前待优化节点进行局部优化操作,如果成功,跳转到步骤42,否则进入步骤44;步骤44、如果当前节点不是队列中最后一个节点,则将下一个节点作为当前待优化节点,跳转到步骤43;否则进入步骤45;步骤45、将作为最终的树型拓扑输出,结束;步骤5、协调器将该树型拓扑采用广播的方式传递给网络中的每一个节点。...



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