
技术编号:6079606 阅读:194 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Channel less diffuser

The utility model discloses a few channel diffuser. The inlet side is welded on the guide vane and guide vane of a B, a for the long straight guide vane and guide vane root slightly curved, B hook, a guide vanes and guide vanes of B welding together, and the tip of the guide vane welding a middle position of the guide vanes B. The guide vane and guide vane a B composed of compound leaf a, leaf a composite inclined roulette radius evenly distributed on the edge of the wheel disk, the composite blade a formed between the inlet passage, flow channel outlet is provided with a guide plate and the guide plate of a B, the outlet side is welded on the guide vane C the guide vane and guide vanes D, C and D are arc guide vanes, and welding together, the middle position of the guide vanes C guide vane tip D welding, C guide vanes and guide vanes D consists of the composite blade B, B composite blade tilt In the wheel radius evenly distributed on the wheel, the composite blade B is formed between the return channel, the entrance flow channel is provided with a flow guiding plate and guide plate C D, into the flow channel and the return channel through the guide plate a, B, C guide plate guide plate and the guide plate is connected to the D.





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