
技术编号:6068622 阅读:208 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Fixed network videophone system

The invention discloses a fixed network video phone system, realize the visual communication using the PSTN network in PSTN network any two videophone can be visual communication from point to point, the videophone terminal is provided with a telephone unit, image acquisition unit, image display unit, a switching unit, data modulation / demodulation unit, and a main control unit, the main control unit according to the received external request control unit and the PSTN telephone switching unit will be disconnected from the network, and control data modulation / demodulation unit image information and audio information of the call by the modulation and transmission, control and data modulation / demodulation unit image information and audio the information of the other call demodulation and output. Videophone system of fixed network does not occupy other resources based on the invention, in addition to the two sides between the telephone call costs, in the absence of other expenses; the system has the advantages of convenient installation, simple operation, can meet the requirements of different people.





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