
技术编号:6064045 阅读:176 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Chinese medicine clinical practice ability training platform

The invention discloses a Chinese medicine clinical practice ability training platform, the training platform by the administrator module, teacher module, student module consists of three parts, all the data stored in the server; the administrator module of the conventional C/S structure, using the administrator client according to the actual needs of teaching in schools and teachers to create or delete student account, set the corresponding account permissions, according to the actual situation of the school setting majors and different teachers and students account account operation authority; the teacher module of the conventional C/S structure, student information query client by teachers and the corresponding teaching arrangements, marking the acquisition, general medical records data entry examination and Practice setting, the students' papers; the module uses the B/S structure, use the browser to open directly into the The course includes application for courses, exercises, examinations and examination of scores. To effectively improve the students' clinical thinking ability.





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