
技术编号:6060798 阅读:209 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Block of crankshaft, round slider or end shaft mechanism and internal combustion engine and compressor

The invention provides a circular slider crank or end shaft movable shaft mechanism of the body, the body has placed a dynamic balancing slide block runway runway placement through hole, a mounting seat is fixed on the end of the runway two hole the hole placement on the runway, the runway on the mounting seat is provided with a first fixed structure; also includes a pair of single made on the runway, the runway after the installation of inner surface relative to reciprocating motion balancing slider provided at both ends of the slide surface, the runway has second fixed structure is arranged corresponding to the first fixed structure, through the connecting part is connected with the second fixed structure and the first fixing structure, can be positioned with the runway symmetrically installed on the runway placed through hole. The machine body provided by the invention is provided with a slide rail surface with high processing requirements, which is arranged on the runway which is made separately, and is convenient for processing with higher precision. The invention provides an internal combustion engine and a compressor using the same.





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