
技术编号:6055703 阅读:280 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Base station identification monitoring system

The invention relates to a base station identification monitoring system, which includes PC software and test terminal, the PC software running on the PC, responsible for the management of base station identification record database, control testing tasks, information interaction between the lower machine test terminal, to achieve real-time display of base station identification, wireless network the test parameters and the position information in the electronic map, data report; the lower computer testing terminal is responsible for base station identification, wireless network parameters and location information. The acquisition of 2G and 3G standard base station identification and wireless network parameters, integrated base station identification acquisition unit and GPS receiving unit, automatic completion of the statistical analysis of the data, reduce the demand for testing personnel, reduce the work intensity of the testing personnel to meet the demand of monitoring base station identification.





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