
技术编号:6055619 阅读:216 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

The power control method and terminal.

The present invention provides a control method, a power seat which comprises a clamping piece, the holder can change position, which comprises: step 102, detection card movable position clamping sheet position; step 104, whether the card contains the detection card; step 106, when the card piece reaches the preset position and, to the detection of the deck to accommodate the memory card, the card holder and electricity with the storage card corresponding to the module, and when the holder for the memory card or when the card plate does not reach the preset position, and the card seat containing the memory card when the card and the memory card module and the corresponding power. The invention also provides a control device for switching the terminal with the deck. According to the technical scheme of the invention, the card holder can be hot swappable changes position can support the storage card, when the memory card is placed on the deck when the deck is energized, automatically start the application corresponding to the memory card.





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