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技术编号:6053877 阅读:511 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Lofting method of tunnel curved section based on circle coordinate

The invention discloses a tunnel curve lofting method based on circle coordinates, characterized by comprising the following steps: Step 1: prepare the steps of determining the origin and the tunnel segment measuring coordinate center O (a, b) position, establish the measurement coordinate system XOY coordinate system; step 2: setting steps section: get the coordinates of measuring points (x, y), (x-a) 2+ computing (y-b) value of 2-r2 is calculated, which R tunnel curve radius; according to the size and movement of the positive and negative value measuring position, and update the coordinates (x, y), until it is determined the intersection curve of the tunnel section with the axis of the inner arc and outer arc, completed a lofting section; step 3: in the course of excavation of tunnel segments, repeat step 2 to complete the entire tunnel curve lofting. The method of laying out the curve section of the tunnel based on the circle coordinate is small in quantity, easy to implement, and has high lofting accuracy.





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