
技术编号:6050008 阅读:148 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for realizing semi continuous scheduling service or similar semi continuous scheduling service

The invention discloses a method and a device for realizing semi persistent scheduling business or similar semi persistent scheduling service, the method comprises the following steps: periodic notice terminal of its SPS or similar SPS, so that the terminal according to the cycle of the closed loop rank for sending SPS service transmission mode of 1 SPS or similar business data; encoding PMI dynamic matrix indicator notifies the terminal of its SPS SPS business or similar business support is required by the 1 rank closed-loop transmission mode, so that the terminal uses the latest received PMI sent in SPS business or similar SPS business data; base station based on closed-loop rank transmission mode 1 receives the terminal sent SPS or similar business SPS business data. The present invention enables SPS services or similar SPS services to support closed loop rank 1 MIMO transmission mode.





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