
技术编号:51532 阅读:326 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Folding pet house

The utility model discloses a folding pet house, which comprises a housing frame and a plurality of cloth; the real frame is a folding structure: the structure comprises four vertical, respectively arranged in the rectangular corner of a vertical plate; each of two risers is also connected with a the arch shaped plate, constitute a form of collateral; the four sides of the bracket shaped angle, the rectangular length direction, one end is hinged with the horizontal connecting rod; on the sides of the bracket is hinged between the door shaped bottom corners of the connecting rod is hinged with the two level, a X shaped inclined connecting rod level; the short rod is hinged together, is composed of two pieces of equal length form in which the Department the connecting block, and the connecting block is arranged on the short rod and unidirectional rotating positioning mechanism; the connecting rod is composed of X shaped oblique rod hinged together four pieces of equal length in the The connecting block is also provided with a mechanism for unidirectional rotation and positioning of the short rod.





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