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技术编号:4175616 阅读:135 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Downhole oil, water and gas mixed phase flow measuring device

The invention relates to a downhole oil water miscible gas flow measuring device, belonging to the petroleum downhole (tools) equipment technical field, which is characterized in that the Venturi tube (3) nozzle and slender cone (6) are arranged in the casing (8); Venturi (3) and the upper end of the upper end the tubing (1) is connected with the nozzle at the lower end of the slender cone (6) is connected with the nozzle; a slender cone (6) and the lower end of the lower end of the tubing (11) is connected in the pipe; Venturi (3), Venturi (3) relative to the position of the embedded throat provided with a sensor group (4 in relative to the Venturi tube); (3) the position of a cylinder entrance section of the upstream pressure taking port (10), Venturi (3) relative to the tube throat position with the throat negative pressure taps (9). The invention utilizes the reasonable design of the Venturi tube structure to realize the mixed metering of the oil, water and gas in the downhole, and the real-time acquisition is simple, safe and reliable, and the measuring accuracy is high.





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