
技术编号:4174056 阅读:161 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A resource scheduling method for HSUPA

The invention discloses a resource scheduling method, a kind of HSUPA include: pre setting user categories include retransmission UE, UE GBR, not long-term scheduling is not guaranteed in UE and normal UE scheduling, and in turn correspond from high to low ranking four scheduling priority; in resource scheduling, to determine each scheduling UE the categories of users and the corresponding scheduling priority; scheduling according to the maximum number of users and available resources, in accordance with the priority of the order from high to low, in order to dispatch UE resource scheduling. The application of the invention can avoid the UE not long-term scheduling caused by power control is not timely, the performance of UE step and antenna beamforming drop phenomenon, and can guarantee the QoS requirements are met, improve scheduling performance.


一种HSUPA的资源调度方法,其特征在于,该方法包括: 预先设置用户类别包括重传UE、长期未调度UE、GBR未得到保证UE和正常调度UE,并依次对应由高到低排序的四类调度优先级; 在进行资源调度时,确定每个待调度UE的用户类别以 及对应的调度优先级; 根据最大调度用户数和可用资源,按照调度优先级由高到低的顺序,依次为待调度UE进行资源调度。



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