
技术编号:3039596 阅读:239 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

The mouth organ mouthpiece group

The utility model relates to a mouth organ group is a mouth organ mouthpiece with coiled pipe to prevent the mouth organ mouthpiece group tensile fatigue device and a fixing device. The structure includes the concertina tube, fixed size components, connectors, mouthpiece; coiled pipe end and the body of the instrument connecting head is connected with the other end in the mouth with a fixed scale, in parts of the concertina tube is arranged in linear scalability small, which will connect the head and a mouthpiece. Connect the mouthpiece in the concertina tube to prevent the tensile fatigue device; cylindrical shape formed in the connector on the outer ring, set a chimeric outward flange shape, on the mouthpiece opening periphery is provided with a protruding openings on the mouthpiece and the opening of the can be embedded at the chimeric scarf, in the connector is formed on the periphery of prominent shape, a mouthpiece fixing device. Can prevent the tensile fatigue of coiled pipe mouthpiece, playing a temporary leave can be fixed on the instrument mouthpiece, neat appearance.





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