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技术编号:2779316 阅读:181 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Portable intelligent instrument and meter development platform

The utility model relates to a method for the development of portable intelligent instrument platform, including MCUmeg128 microprocessor, signal line and bridge voltage, thermocouple and thermal resistance and current connected to the multi-channel analog switch input terminal 4051, multi-channel analog switch 4051 output terminal connected to the A / D converter input terminal 7715, output 7715 A A / D converter end is connected with the data input port of microprocessor, microprocessor and digital analog converter chip AD420 connected to the microprocessor and infrared data interface module, CH375 chip, serial port expansion chip, touch screen controller and TFT display module, GSM input connected, concentrated basic functions of industrial control field of portable intelligent instrument, with scalability, developers in the the development of intelligent instrument In the process, we don't need to design the basic function of the intelligent instrument, only need to develop the special function module that the instrument will realize, and connect the special function part of the development to the expansion port.


一种便携式智能仪器仪表开发平台,包括微处理器MCUmeg128,其特征在于:    a、电桥和电压的信号线连接到多路模拟开关4051的输入端,热点偶和热电阻的信号线连接到前置放大器的输入端,经过放大处理后的输出线分别连接到多路模拟开关4051的输入端,电流信号线串连一个电阻后也连接到多路模拟开关4051的输入端,    b、多路模拟开关的输出端连接到A/D转换器7715的输入端,A/D转换器7715的输出端通过导线连接的微处理器MCUmeg128的数据输入端口,    c、微处理器MCUmeg128通过电路板上的铜线和数模转换芯片AD420的输入端相连,数模转换芯片AD420的输出端用导线连接到工业仪表,    d、微处理器MCUmeg128通过电路板上的铜线或插头和GSM模块输入端连接,    e、微处理器MCUmeg128通过电路板上的铜线或插头和红外数据接口模块连接,    f、微处理器MCUmeg128通过电路板上的铜线和CH375芯片的输入端连接,CH375芯片的输出端即为USB接口,    g、微处理器MCUmeg128通过电路板上的铜线和串口扩充芯片的输入端连接,将系统的串口扩充到5个,扩充的2个串口通过导线分别连接到电平转换芯片MAX232和标准485电平转换芯片的输入端,输出端分别是RS232和RS485串口,光电隔离芯片TIL与串口扩充芯片的输入端相连接,    h、微处理器MCUmeg128通过导线连接到触摸屏控制器和TFT显示屏,触摸屏控制器和TFT显示屏之间也用导线相连,    i、微处理器MCUmeg128通过串口线RS232与微型打印机连接,控制打印机并输出打印数据或文档,    j、微处理器MCUmeg128通过多根导线和存储器连接,控制和传输数据。...



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