
技术编号:22599060 阅读:129 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-20 13:08

Message acquisition method and device

The embodiment of the application provides a method for obtaining a message, wherein the wearable device determines whether the wearable device is in the headset mode; when the wearable device is in the headset mode, the wearable device notifies the terminal that the wearable device can receive a voice message; the wearable device receives a voice message sent by the terminal, and the voice message is sent from the text by the terminal The message was converted. In the embodiment of the invention, a data channel and an audio channel can be established between the wearable device and the terminal. When the wearable device is in the earphone mode, the current status is notified to the terminal, and the voice message converted from the text message sent by the terminal is received and played, so as to overcome the deficiency of the display ability of the wearable device screen, and facilitate the user to check the content of the text message in time.





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