
技术编号:22570415 阅读:62 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-17 10:25

Antenna dip adjustment device and communication equipment

The application provides an antenna down angle adjusting device, which comprises a first transmission component, a flexible transmission component and a second transmission component arranged on the mounting plate. The flexible transmission component comprises a transmission component and a guide component, wherein the transmission component is an integral long strip and can be bent, one end of the transmission component is matched with the first transmission component, the other end of the transmission component is matched with the second transmission component, and the guide component The direction piece is fixed on the mounting plate, and the guide piece is used to constrain the path of the transmission piece extending on the mounting plate. The first transmission assembly is driven by the antenna information management module, and the power is transmitted to the second transmission assembly through the transmission piece, and the second transmission assembly is used to drive the phase shifter to adjust the skyline angle. The application also provides a communication device. The application has the advantages of flexible layout, can reduce the number of switching and improve the transmission efficiency.





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