
技术编号:22569824 阅读:14 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-17 10:09

Self locking structure, storehouse mechanism and shooting device

The self-locking structure (100) comprises a shell (10), a tenon piece (20) arranged on the shell (10) and a push plate assembly (30) moving relative to the shell (10); wherein, when the push plate assembly (30) is separated from the tenon piece (20) and the push plate assembly (30) moves toward the direction contacting the tenon piece (20), the push plate assembly (30) is locked at the tenon piece (20); when the push plate assembly (30) When combined with the tenon (20) and the tenon (20) moves toward the direction of releasing contact with the push plate assembly (30), the push plate assembly (30) is unlocked on the tenon (20) and moves away from the tenon (20). Thus, by pushing the push plate assembly (30), the push plate assembly (30) and the tenon piece (20) can be combined to lock the push plate assembly (30) to the tenon piece (20), and by pushing the tenon piece (20), the push plate assembly (30) and the tenon piece (20) can be separated to unlock the push plate assembly (30) to the tenon piece (20), so that the simple locking and unlocking operation of the push plate assembly (30) can be realized by the user.





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