
技术编号:21407409 阅读:46 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-19 09:37

Uplink signal transmission method and device

The embodiment of the present invention provides a transmission method and device for an upstream signal, which comprises a network device determining the physical resources used for transmitting an upstream control signal in a time domain scheduling unit; the network device receives the upstream control signal on the physical resources used for transmitting an upstream control signal, and the upstream control signal uses a cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency division complex. The waveform of CP OFDM is used for transmission. In the embodiment of the present invention, the upstream control signal is transmitted by using the CP_OFDM waveform. By utilizing the multi-carrier transmission characteristic, the upstream control signal can be configured with continuous or discontinuous physical resources in the frequency domain, thus avoiding the need to map the upstream control signal to the continuous physical resources in the frequency domain when the upstream control signal is transmitted by using the single carrier in the prior art. The flexibility of configuring physical resources for upstream control signals is improved.





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