
技术编号:21281424 阅读:29 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-06 12:02

A Building Aseismic Structure and Aseismic Method

A building anti-seismic structure includes a roof bracing frame (1) connected as a whole, which is used to support the roof (100) of the building independently of the wall (200); a plurality of bracing columns (2) fixed to the roof bracing frame (1); a ring groove (3) arranged around the building on the ground; a ring seismic absorbing frame (4) arranged inside the ring groove (3); and a ring seismic absorbing frame with the lower end of the bracing column (2). (4) Fixed connection; multiple shock absorbers (5) arranged between the bottom of the annular groove (3) and the annular shock absorber frame (4). The aseismic method of the building's aseismic structure is that the roof (100) of the existing building is supported on the ground through the support column (2), which can avoid the damage caused by the collapse of the roof (100) during the earthquake. The aseismic structure of the building is easy to construct and suitable for the renovation of traditional old buildings.





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