
技术编号:20597322 阅读:31 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:53

Uplink Data Transmission Method and Device

This application provides an upstream data transmission method. The method includes: determining the physical resource area where the user terminal (UE) can carry out the upstream data transmission; in which the physical resource area includes N orthogonal physical resource units RU, where N is a natural number; determining the access control parameters that the UE can carry out the upstream data transmission in the physical resource area; and notifying the UE in the cell by downstream notification message to determine the physical capital. Source area and access control parameters; the RUs in the above physical resource area occupied by each UE in the upstream data transmission are determined according to the access control parameters; and the RUs in the above physical resource area occupied by each UE in the upstream data transmission are also determined to receive the upstream data of each UE. The application also provides eNB and UE for upstream data transmission.





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