
技术编号:20084386 阅读:23 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-15 03:51

Method and device of transmitting and receiving control information

The invention relates to a transmission method of control information, including: the base station determines the demodulation information of the first user terminal (UE) and the demodulation auxiliary information of the second UE matched with the first UE; where the demodulation information of the first UE is used to demodulate the downstream data of the first UE by the first UE; and the demodulation auxiliary information of the second UE is used to demodulate the downstream data of the second UE by the first UE; Determine the length of the demodulation auxiliary information of the second UE; send the demodulation information of the first UE and the length of the demodulation auxiliary information of the second UE to the first UE through the first downlink control message; and send the demodulation auxiliary information of the second UE to the first UE through the second downlink control message; where the first UE receives the second downlink according to the length of the demodulation auxiliary information of the second UE. Control message. The invention also relates to the receiving method of control information and the corresponding base station and user terminal.





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