
技术编号:19564454 阅读:63 留言:0更新日期:2018-11-25 01:20

Method and device of data transmission

The invention discloses a method and device for data transmission, which includes: before receiving feedback information at the sender, the sender continuously transmits multiple data packets carrying the same information to the receiving end, and the feedback information carries a plurality of data packets used to indicate whether the receiving end correctly receives the multiple data packets. The sender receives the feedback information sent by the receiver, and the sender transmits subsequent data according to the feedback information. In this scheme, the sender can send multiple packets carrying the same information to the receiver continuously until the sender receives the feedback information sent by the receiver, and then the sender determines the subsequent data transmission according to the feedback information. In this data transmission mechanism, the reliability of data transmission can be improved because the sender always sends the same data packet to the receiver.





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