
技术编号:18816442 阅读:97 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-01 10:56

A method for calculating physiological parameters and corresponding medical equipment

A method for calculating physiological parameters and corresponding medical equipment includes: selecting a time domain signal corresponding to an interval of at least one signal of red and/or infrared light obtained by sampling, performing time-frequency domain conversion to obtain the corresponding frequency domain signal (S10), and selecting all reasonable spectral peak information therein. Calculate the energy information of the selected reasonable spectrum peak and form the spectrum peak energy ratio sequence (S12); construct the stability coefficient according to the spectrum peak energy ratio sequence; if the stability coefficient is low, construct the compensation coefficient (S14) using the spectrum peak energy ratio sequence; compensate the said compensation coefficient by using the compensation coefficient. Physiological parameters (S16) are calculated based on compensated time-domain and/or frequency-domain signals by at least one of the time-domain and/or frequency-domain signals. This method can improve the calculation accuracy of pulse rate and blood oxygen parameters under the condition of weak irrigation and exercise. It is simple, cheap and adaptable.





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